NLP Master Practitioner

Now you have already completed NLP Practitioner Certification Course. This course NLP Master Practitioner will take you to the next level of NLP. You will learn many new concepts and techniques to help yourself and your clients. This course is designed to equip you with advanced NLP Techniques.

General Information:

Eligibility:NLP PractitionerDuration:2 Weak
Age:18 YearsDates:Contact Us
Language:Hindi/English MixCourse Fee:INR 35,000/-

Note: You can also register this course in online mode.

Content of the Course:

Representational SystemSub-ModalitiesPredicates
Meta Model in Depth Study TimelineMeta Programs
ReframingContent ReframingContext Reframing
Six Step ReframingBelief ChangeLie/Truth Sub-Modalities
Kinesthetic SwishExperience HallicinationConfusion and Understanding
Personal Trance WordsMagic WordsWords to Avoid
Building Self ConfidenceDeveloping Self AppreciationMotivational Meta Programs
Logical LevelsNew Behaviour GeneratorThe more, The more Pattern
Anchoring ExerciseSliding AnchorsThe Don’t Pattern
Zip TechniqueCompulsion Blow OutNested Loops
Accelerated LearningAuto Pilot to Success 

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